Thursday, January 25, 2007

Life Lessons 10

The tenth life lesson is Patience. This is the hardest and most frustrating lesson to learn. Patience indispensable to success in life. Live with things as they are instead of getting frustrated and angry. The key is: Everything is going to be fine. Tell yourself this whenever you feel impatience boiling to the surface.

Patience is like a muscle; it needs to be developed and used constantly if it is going to work. Develop by using it daily in little things. Then, when larger problems arise, your patience muscle will be strong enough to handle the challenge. Practice patience waiting in line, listening to a boring person, waiting for your favorite show.

Relax; God is in control. Nothing happens without His consent. All things are being directed according to His timetable and purposes. Let God be God. Everything has a purpose and all will be accomplished in His time. God is more concerned about who you are becoming than your career, marital status, etc.

Patience is not giving up your power or allowing people to walk all over you. When others abuse you, don’t allow them to trespass on your rights. However, when something is out of your control, then let it unfold in its own way. Don’t try to change what you cannot change or hurry up something that needs time to occur. Pray for God to give you the wisdom to know the difference between those things you have control over and those that you don’t, and then ask for the grace to be patient.

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