Wednesday, April 11, 2007

7. Eliminate Your Tolerations

7. Eliminate Your Tolerations
Tolerations are the small things that distract you from what is really important and drain your energy.

Tolerations are the seemingly inconsequential things that you are putting up with that are draining your energy. They may seem small at first, but as they accumulate and grow they drag you down, destroy your effectiveness, rob you of joy, and hinder you from achieving your prime objective.

Identifying your tolerations gives you the ability to apply the right lever to rid you of those things that are draining your energy. Removing, and maintaining the removal, of your tolerations is a life-long habit you must commit to. Don’t focus on what it will cost you to get rid of your tolerations in the short run, instead, look at what it will cost you in the long run if you don’t get rid of them.

Sometimes the toleration seems insurmountable. Often we feel we don’t deserve to get rid of them. Write down all the tolerations you are putting up with. Set aside time to deal with these tolerations. Set up a system that enables you do consistently eliminate them. It is better to deal with tolerations when they first come up instead of letting them grow and become overwhelming. You must remember that you always have a choice in dealing with tolerations. Complex tolerations need to be broken down into smaller parts that can be dealt with easily and effectively. Plan ahead and save money to deal with tolerations instead of waiting for them to come so they have to be dealt with as emergencies.

To deal with tolerations, ask: What has kept you from taking care of this? What steps do you need to take to remove the obstacle? How much does it really bother me? What kind of professional do I need to take care of this problem? By what date does this have to be done?

If you don’t have money, ask: Who do I know who has the expertise to handle this problem? Can I barter or trade services with this person? Make a list of your tolerations, put a price tag on each one, and then ask friends and relatives to give you what you need to end the tolerations instead of gifts. Begin a tolerations fund to slowly build up money to deal with them.

Tolerations are a part of life, they build up over time, and must be dealt with on a consistent basis. Dealing with tolerations releases energy so that you can achieve your life objective.

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