Wednesday, March 21, 2007

In order to win with people you must first be a winner yourself

1. In order to win with people you must first be a winner yourself.

You can’t be happy unless you are healthy. Being healthy is more than not just being sick but includes being physically, emotionally and psychologically healthy and strong. You can’t give what you don’t have. Being a winner is more than being kind, warm, mature, stable or any other character quality. It comes down to one thing: your value. You must own your value. If you are secure in who you are, then you have become a winner.

First, to be a winner, you must recognize your value, so that no matter what may happen to you, you still have the same value. Second, you must accept your value. Change what you can change but accept what you cannot change. Third, increase your value. Solve as many of your own problems as you can. Fourth, believe in your value. Fifth, bank on your value. Who you are is the greatest asset you will ever possess.

To apply this principle: Forget about what makes you feel insecure. Ask how you can increase your value to benefit yourself and others. Act to make yourself more valuable to others.

From: 25 Ways to Win with People, by John Maxwell and Les Parrott.

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