Saturday, February 27, 2016

Ask, Seek, Knock

1.  How can I experience full joy today?
Gracious Father, show me how to experience your full joy today.

2. How can I show love to someone today?
Loving Father, show me how to love everyone you bring into my life today.

3. How can I improve my life in some small way today?
Patient Father, help me grow and develop in some small way today.

4. How can I make someone smile today?
Joyful Father, as you smile down on me today help me smile at others and bring a smile to their face today.

5. How can I increase my excitement today?
Eternal Father, fill me with anticipation for you to fulfill your great plans for me.

6. What do I really want today?
Generous Father, every perfect gift comes from you, so please grant me the desires of my heart today.

7. What can I do today that will dramatically improve my life and the lives of others?
Wise Father, help me prioritize my schedule so I can profoundly impact the lives of others today.

8. How can I draw closer to God today?
Beautiful Father, draw me closer to you so I can bask in your beauty today.

9. What would make me happy today that would also make someone else happy?
Joyful Father, fill me with your joy so I can make others cheerful today.

10. What can I thank someone else for today?
Gracious Father, you have brought so many caring people into my life so help me express my sincerest gratitude to them today.

11. To whom do I need to apologize?
Gracious Father, give me your grace so I can humbly apologize to those whom I have wronged.

12. How can being a child of God make my life and the lives of others better today?
Holy Father, enable me to live fully as your child, imitating you and expressing your heart and character to everyone around me today.

13. How can I experience God’s love in a more profound way and share it with someone else today?
Loving Father, pour out your love into my heart by your Spirit so I can love others today as you have loved me.

14. What can I thank God for today?
Generous Father, you have filled my life with abundance so enable me to express my deepest gratitude to you today.

15. How can I be even more positive and optimistic today than I was yesterday?
Excellent Father, fill my mind today with thoughts that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.

16. What can I do today for someone that would make his or her life better?
Gracious Father, show me how I can bless others today as you have abundantly blessed me.

17. How can I show appreciation for someone I love today?
Merciful Father, help me to show appreciation to everyone today.

18. What good can I do today?
Good Father, fill me with your goodness so I can do good to others today.

19. How can I be the answer to someone’s prayer today?
Faithful Father, use me to answer someone’s prayer today.

20. How can I relax more fully and experience profound peace of mind all day today?
Peaceful Father, help me rest in your presence amidst all my stress, busyness, and problems today.

21. How can I let God use me today?
Sovereign Father, use me today to build your kingdom as you see fit.

22. What miracle do I need God to do for me today?
Almighty Father, demonstrate your power in my life today to meet my needs.

23. What miracle can I allow God to do through me today?
Almighty Father, demonstrate your power through me today as you see fit.

24. How can I experience the power of the resurrection in my life today?
Life-giving Father, since you have raised Christ from the dead and you have raised me with him, express your life-giving power in me and through me today.

25. What is my life’s purpose and what is one thing I can do today to fulfill it in some small or large way?
Wise Father, align my life’s purpose with your purpose and embolden and empower me to live in accordance with your mission today.

26. How can I express the Fruit of Spirit today?
Abundant Father, fill me with your Spirit today so he can produce his fruit in me.

27. How can I abide in Christ more deeply today?
Loving Father, teach me how to abide in Christ more deeply today.

28. What sin do I need to confess and repent of, and what virtue can I develop to replace it?
Righteous and Faithful Father, forgive my sins and cleanse me from all unrighteousness today as I confess my sins and learn to walk in the light.

29. How can I become more like Christ today?  
Holy and Living Father, conform me to the image of your Son today.

30. Who do I need to forgive?
Forgiving Father, help me forgive others as you have forgiven me.

31. What are the most important things to do today?
Wise Father, give me your wisdom today.

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