Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Share a secret with someone

11. Share a secret with someone.

No matter what it is, whenever you share something for the first time it is a secret. So whenever you share something for the first time, let the person know that it is a secret. This requires two things: reading the context of the situation and sincerely desiring to build up the other person. First, sharing a secret means giving valuable information. It needs to be something the person you are talking to cares about by fulfilling a felt need or playing to an interest he has. Second, sharing a secret makes people feel special. Third, sharing a secret includes others in your journey.

To apply this principle: Forget about hoarding information for yourself but share it when appropriate to make others feel special. Ask who you can benefit by letting in on some private information. Find someone to let in on a secret today.

From: 25 Ways to Win with People, by John Maxwell and Les Parrott.

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