Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Elements of Effective Organizations

I am listening to Spiral Dynamics Integral by Don Beck. It is basically A Theory of Everything approach to psychology, sociology and global change and development. The whole system is too complex to explain in this short space, but I want to share some helpful ideas I have gleaned from the program.

In the chapter on leadership, he gives five essential elements for effective organizations:

First, there needs to be a Noble Purpose. All members of the organization must have a grand vision for what they are doing that is larger than themselves, their group and their organization.

Second, Efficient and Effective Processes need to be developed to fulfill the noble purpose.

Third, Profit must be used rightly, not simply to enrich the people at the top, but to make the organization more effective and efficient at fulfilling its noble purpose as well as making the community and world a better place.

Fourth, there needs to be Sensitivity to Human Beings. People are not machines or resources to be used, but human beings who need to be cared for, developed and empowered if the organization is to fulfill its noble purpose.

Fifth, care must be taken that the organization acts Ecologically. Not only do we need to be careful of the environment, but people and organizations must act with integrity to guard the industry they are in.

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